Use store-bought brownie bites to make these patriotic brownie bites in just 10 minutes.
These are the best brownie treats when you’re in a pinch for time! Patriotic brownie bites require only a few ingredients and there is no baking required.
What you need:
- Brownie bite – most grocery stores make them and have them available in the bakery area. Or, you can find packaged ones (I love this brand) at the grocery store or on Amazon.
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Can of whipped cream or whipped frosting. The whipped cream begins to melt pretty quickly so frosting may be best if your treats will sit out for a bit
Steps to Make These Treats:
Place brownies on a tray.
Put whipped topping or frosting on the brownie bites.
Place blueberries and strawberries on the brownie bite.
Rinse your fruit. Slice strawberries into a few pieces lengthwise. Place a couple of blueberries and a slice of strawberry on each brownie bit.
Looking for fun patriotic serve ware?
There are a lot of great options for trays and plates. I’ve linked a few that are available at Amazon below.
12″ x 16″ Plastic Patriotic Trays
16-pc Patriotic Dinnerware set
Patriotic Rectangular Serving Trays
See my other patriotic treat posts: